Sim500 eSports Racing League Rules
(RULES will be administered dispassionately. Your longevity or current point standing WILL NOT be taken into consideration.)
1. League Requirements:/Race Information: UPDATED 2/1/2023
Sim500 follows the iRacing sporting code for all events. (Link above.)
Refunds for Monday or Wednesday will not be allowed after you take the first green flag of that paid series. If a driver gets suspended or banned from Sim500, he will not receive a refund for his league fees.
All start times, weather and setup information will be sent to the race e-mails, Sim500 website, and Sim500 iRacing Leagues pages.
Requirements for open series are a Class A 1000 iRating, but acceptations can be made. These ratings help gauge new drivers as we will make acceptations if a Sim500 member refers you. We understand that not everyone runs official races.
(No Black Stripes)
2. Race Etiquette/Pitting
The initial start is on the green flag. On all restarts, the leader may start the race at his discretion from the beginning of the RESTART ZONE until the green flag. The leader also has lane choice (Top/Bottom) but needs to determine before turn one.
The “restart zone” is now the blue GEICO RESTART ZONE, that is painted blue on the track wall. The leader must maintain a constant speed until he chooses to accelerate within the restart zone.
Lane Changing on restarts is controlled by iRacing but will also be a gentleman's agreement. Drivers cannot change lanes until they pass the start/finish line. Drivers are allowed to pass slower, damaged vehicles BUT not laying back and jumping cars. Any driver that jumps a restart will get an EOL on the finishing results.
Drivers are not allowed to use the apron (at any track) at the start or restart of any race unless they avoid an accident.
All drivers will stay on the right side of the pit lane until three stalls away from their pit box. After your pit stop, drivers can drive through only three stalls before returning to the right side of pit lane.
SPECIAL NOTE: SIM500 will not condone threatening others at any time by any means.
3. Black Flags: UPDATED 2/1/2023
If a driver feels he has a false Black flag, an admin will clear that penalty, which will be reviewed after the race. If drivers provide false information regarding a black flag, they will receive a (10) point penalty and a warning. The next infraction will result in the driver being suspended from the next event that particular series races.
4. Discord/iRacing Chat:
Drivers must have their chat enabled for all races. The top three finishers in broadcasted races are required to be available on Discord.
Drivers are required to keep to RACE CHAT ONLY during any Sim500 events.
A driver who FLAMES another driver in a Sim500 race server will face penalties or suspension.
IN RACE SERVER VOICE CHAT AND DIRECT MESSAGING: Race voice chat shall only be limited to race-related communications. For example, "pitting this time" or "clear black flag, please". The fun conversation is allowed but shall stop when the field takes the "1 To Go" to prevent distractions. Participants SHALL NOT question others on driving, nor shall they attack one another in any way, at any time. Any differences or requests for explanations are expected to be settled amicably in Discord or by whatever means the drivers choose post-race.
6. Race Incident System/Conduct (Updated 10/27/22)
It is the expectation of SIM500 that all participants conduct themself as an adult in a professional environment. This is an online eSports environment where the same participants come together week after week. Building relationships should be thought of as more important than where you finish.
Drivers are responsible for their actions and behavior in race servers, the Sim500 League Discord Server, and all forms of social media. Any form of misconduct will be up for review and penalties. All drivers must follow the rules written here and/or as directed by league Admins. Failure to follow Sim500 rules, Admin instructions, or any conduct deemed detrimental to Sim500 will result in race penalties, probation, suspensions and/or bans from the league. All decisions on behavior are final and may not be appealed.
Race Manipulation -- Any driver manipulating a race by purposely bringing out a caution will be Disqualified from that event and placed on probation.
This references any driver who has crashed, spun out, or missed Pit Road and pulled back on the track to bring a caution out.
Drivers must maintain speed and continue back on track in a safe manner.
Aggressive Racing -- Any driver found overaggressive, causing multiple incidents regularly, will be issued a one-time warning. If that driver continues to have problems on the track, they will be suspended or permanently banned from Sim500.
ARCA Braking - Drivers will be issued a warning/probation based on the series.
INTENTIONAL WRECKING: If the administrative staff determines that a participant intentionally wrecked another, you will be REMOVED and BANNED from all SIM500 Series.
6. Sim500 Tie Breaker:
All series will follow the same procedures when it comes to determining who advances in the case of a tie. If two or more drivers are tied in points, the following steps will break the tie. (1st wins, 2nd top5's, then 3rd option top 10's if needed) will determine the driver that moves on.